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Anthropology 102 - Cultural Anthropology 


LA Harbor - Spring 2020
Pierce - Fall 2020

Additional Resources

The following are concerned with themes and topics related to the course. Available for extra credit, geeking out, and diving deep.


African Roots/American Culture - Africa in the Creation of the Americas by Shelia S Walker
Creating Black Americans by Neil Irvin Painter
Deep Survival: Who Lives, Who Dies, and Why  by Laurence Gonzales 
Enlightenment Now - The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism and Progress by Steven Pinker
Explaining Culture: A Naturalistic Approach by Dan Sperber
Giving the Devil his Due: Reflections of a Scientific Humanist by Michael Shermer
Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift
Homo Deus - A Brief History of Tomorrow by Yuval Noah Harrari
How Humans Evolved by Boyd, R., Silk, J. B.
In the Field: An introduction to Field Research by Robert Burgess
Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief by Jordan B Peterson
Sapiens - A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harrari
The Blank Slate by Steven Pinker
The Book of Laughter and Forgetting by Milan Kundera
The Cultural Nature of Human Development by Barbara Rogoff
The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr. and E.B.  White 
The Ethnographer’s Eye: Ways of Seeing in Modern Anthropology by Anna Grimshaw
The Interpretation of Culture by Clifford Geertz
The Interview: An Ethnographic Approach by Jonathan Skinner
The Redemptive Self - Stories Americans Live By  by Dan P Mcadams
The Righteous Mind - Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion by Jonathan Haidt
The Savage Mind by Claude Lévi-Strauss
The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins
The Sense of Style: The Thinking Person's Guide to Writing in the 21st Century by Steven Pinker



Henrich, J., Heine, S. J., & Norenzayan, A. (2010). The weirdest people in the world?. Behavioral and brain sciences, 33(2-3), 61-83.





TV Show Episodes/Movies

The Wire (Seasons 1- 5)

"Fire" - E:01 - Origins: The Journey of Humankind" - National Geographic

"Medicine" - E:02 - Origins: The Journey of Humankind" - National Geographic

"The Power of Money" - E:03 - Origins: The Journey of Humankind" - National Geographic

"The Writing on the Wall" - E:04 - Origins: The Journey of Humankind" - National Geographic

"Progress of War" - E:05 - Origins: The Journey of Humankind" - National Geographic

"Building the Future" - E:06 - Origins: The Journey of Humankind" - National Geographic

"Into the Unknown" - E:07 - Origins: The Journey of Humankind" - National Geographic

"The Road Ahead" - E:08 - Origins: The Journey of Humankind" - National Geographic

"Angel One" - S:1 E:14 - Star Trek: The Next Generation

"Loud as a Whisper" - S:2 E:5 - Star Trek: The Next Generation

"A Matter of Honor" - S:2 E:8 - Star Trek: The Next Generation

"The Icarus Factor"  - S:2 E:14 - Star Trek: The Next Generation

"Pen Pals" - S:2 E:15 - Star Trek: The Next Generation

"Samaritan Snare"  - S:2 E:17 - Star Trek: The Next Generation

"Up the Long Ladder"  -  S:2 E:18 - Star Trek: The Next Generation

"The Ensign of Command" - S:3 E:2 - Star Trek: The Next Generation

"Who Watches the Watchers" - S:3 E:4 - Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "The Bonding" - S:3 E5: - Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "The Enemy" - S:3 E:7 - Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "The Price" - S:3 E:8 - Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "The Vengeance Factor" - S:3 E:9 - Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "The Defector" - S:3 E:10 - Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "The High Ground" - S:3 E:12 - Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "Sins of the Father" - S:3 E:17 - Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "Allegiance" - S:3 E:18 - Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "Tin Man" - S:3 E:20 - Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "Sarek" - S:3 E:23 - Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "Ménage à Troi" - S:3 E:24 - Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "Transfigurations" - S:3 E: 25 - Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "The Best of Both Worlds" - S:3 E: 26/ 4:1 - Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "Family" - S:4 E:2 - Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "Suddenly Human" - S:4 E:4 - Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "Legacy" - S:4 E:6 - Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "Reunion" - S:4 E:7 - Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "The Wounded" - S:4 E:12 - Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "Devil’s Due" - S:4 E: 13- Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "Clues" - S:4 E: 14 - Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "First Contact" - S:4 E: 15 - Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "The Drumhead" - S:4 E: 21 - Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "Half a Life" - S:4 E: 22 - Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "The Host" - S:4 E: 23 - Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "Redemption" - S:4/5 E: 26/1 - Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "Darmok" - S:5 E: 2 - Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "Ensign Ro" - S:5 E: 3 - Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "Silicon Avatar" - S:5 E: 4 - Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "Unification" - S:5 E: 7/8  - Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "A Matter of Time" - S:5 E: 9  - Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "New Ground" - S:5 E: 10  - Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "The Masterpiece Society" - S:5 E: 13  - Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "Ethics" - S:5 E: 16  - Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "The Outcast" - S:5 E: 17  - Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "Cost of Living" - S:5 E: 20  - Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "The Perfect Mate" - S:5 E: 21  - Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "I, Borg" - S:5 E: 23  - Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "The Inner Light" - S:5 E: 25  - Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "Chain of Command" - S:6 E: 10/11 - Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "Face of the Enemy" - S:6 E: 14  - Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "Birthright" - S:6 E: 16/17  - Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "The Chase" - S:6 E: 20  - Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "Rightful Heir" - S:6 E: 23  - Star Trek: The Next Generation

 "Descent" - S:6/7 E: 26/1  - Star Trek: The Next Generation

Additional Internet Resources

APA Guidelines


Free Online Cultural Anthropology Textbook

American Anthropological Association: Understanding Race

Race-The Power of an Illusion:


Current social science research ethics code include the following:

Association of Social Anthropologists (ASA) Ethical Guidelines

British Sociological Association (BSA) Statement of Ethical Practice

Social Research Association (SRA) Ethical Guidelines

American Sociological Association (ASA) Code of ethics

American Anthropological Association (AAA) Code of ethics

British Psychological Society (BPS) Code of Conduct: Ethical Principles and Guidelines

British Educational Research Association (BERA) Revised Ethical Guidelines for Educational Research (2004)


Course Relevant Videos

Short Clips

Daniel Dennett: Memes 101 | How Cultural Evolution Works

The Balinese Cockfight - Clifford Geertz

The Forbidden Cave

Chinese Internal Migration

India's Transgender Community

Elie Wiesel - The Perils of Indifference

Confusing Race in Brazil

A Class Divided

Indo-European Language Spread

Margaret Mead


Nature vs Nurture - Sapolsky 

Is Cultural Relativism Racist?

Why is chicken so cheap? | The Economist

Cave Art 101

US Immigration

Cross Cultural Intimacy

Intersex Questions

Reparations - Coleman Hughes and Ta-Nehisi Coates

Loving vs Virginia



Human Terrain Project

Pareto Distribution


Are Humans Hardwired to Be Cruel to Each Other? | Robert Sapolsky

Is Moral Disgust Just Bad Evolution? | Robert Sapolsky

Crash Course

Race and Ethnicity

Age and Aging

Religion and Society

GLobalization II

Health and Medicine

Dubois & Race Conflict

Social Stratification

Racial/Ethnic Prejudice & Discrimination

Theories about Family and Marriage

Globalization I

Globalization III

Race Melodrama

Cultures, subcultures, countercultures

Theories of Gender


The History of Marriage

The Power of Street Art

How to understand Power

Digital natives vs digital immigrants

Benefits of Bilingual Brain

How Languages Change and Evolve

Art in the Age of Instagram

Modern Medicine meets Traditional

Victimhood Culture

How languages shape perspective

The Origins of English


How Culture Drives Behaviours

Origin of Everything

What is ethnicity?

Why Did Europeans Enslave Africans?

The Origin of Race in the USA

When Did Marriage Become about Love?

Where does the Nuclear Family Come From?

Baba Brinkman

Veni Vidi Vici - Extinction

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